• All Dielectric Self-Supporting Optical Fiber Cable ADSS
  • All Dielectric Self-Supporting Optical Fiber Cable ADSS
  • All Dielectric Self-Supporting Optical Fiber Cable ADSS
  • All Dielectric Self-Supporting Optical Fiber Cable ADSS
  • All Dielectric Self-Supporting Optical Fiber Cable ADSS

All Dielectric Self-Supporting Optical Fiber Cable ADSS

ADSS (non-metallic strengthening member, loose tube layer stranded filling type, polyethylene inner sheath, aramid yarn armor, polyethylene sheathed outdoor optical cable for communication). The structure of the optical cable is to sheath single-mode or multi-mode optical fiber into high-mode In the loose tube filled with waterproof compound made of high-density plastic, the center of the cable core is a non-metallic reinforcing member. For some fiber optic cables, the non-metallic center reinforcing member is extruded with a layer of polyethylene. The loose tube (and filling rope) is twisted around the central reinforcement to form a compact and round cable core. The gaps in the cable core are filled with water blocking compounds and a layer of polyethylene inner sheath is extruded. The aramid yarn is armored and extruded into a polyethylene outer sheath to form a cable.



    ADSS (non-metallic strengthening member, loose tube layer stranded filling type, polyethylene inner sheath, aramid yarn armor, polyethylene sheathed outdoor optical cable for communication). The structure of the optical cable is to sheath single-mode or multi-mode optical fiber into high-mode In the loose tube filled with waterproof compound made of high-density plastic, the center of the cable core is a non-metallic reinforcing member. For some fiber optic cables, the non-metallic center reinforcing member is extruded with a layer of polyethylene. The loose tube (and filling rope) is twisted around the central reinforcement to form a compact and round cable core. The gaps in the cable core are filled with water blocking compounds and a layer of polyethylene inner sheath is extruded. The aramid yarn is armored and extruded into a polyethylene outer sheath to form a cable.
    ●Precise optical fiber excess length control ensures that the optical cable has excellent tensile and temperature performance
    ●The loose tube material has good hydrolysis resistance, and the tube is filled with grease to protect the optical fiber
    ●The sheath material has good resistance to solar radiation
    ●All-dielectric fiber optic cable, especially suitable for self-supporting overhead aerial around electric field or lightning-prone areas
    ●Optical cable has outstanding tensile performance, and can be suitable for self-supporting overhead aerial up to 1500 meters
    Self-supporting overhead, all dielectric lightning protection, directly hung on the power poles and towers for the communication route of the overhead high-voltage power transmission system


    Fjöldi trefja 12-288 cores
    Fylling reipi 2-0
    Raka hindrun Vatnablokkakerfi
    Miðstyrkur meðlimur efni FRP / FRP með PE
    stærð 2,1 mm
    Tube-fylling Uppfyllingarrör blanda
    fylliefni PP rör / PVC rör
    Innri slíður efni PE
    Laus rör efni PBT
    þvermál Ф2.2 (ytri / innri)
    Ytri brynvarðir efni Álbandi / Bylgjupappír stálband
    Ytri slíðrið efni PE / HDPE
    þvermál 1,7 ± 0,2 mm


    Trefjar litur

    Nei. 1 2 3 4 5 6
    Litur 1.Blue fiber-Qualfiber
    Nei. 7 8 9 10 11 12

    Litur á rör

    Nei. 1 2 3 4 5 6
    Nei. 7 8 9 10 11 12

    Kapal vélrænni einkenni

    kjarni Þvermál snúrunnar þyngd
    2 kjarna í 60core 12 ± 0,5 mm 140 ± 5 kg / km
    72 stig 13 ± 0,5 mm 190 ± 5 kg / km
    96 stig 14,5 ± 0,5 mm 220 ± 5 kg / km
    144 stig 16,5 ± 0,5 mm 240 ± 10 kg / km
    Rec.daily hámarks spennu í vinnu 88kn
    Hámark Leyfa vinnuspennu 32,7kn
    Mótefni mýkt 37kn / mm2
    Min beygju radíus (mm) aðgerð 240mm
    uppsetningu 390mm
    Auka álag Auka álag 0,5% -0,7%
    Ís 5mm
    Vindhraði 35m / s


    Trefjar einkennandi

    Trefjarstíll Eining SM
    62,5 / 125
    ástand nm 1310/1550 1310/1550 850/1300 850/1300 850/1300
    minnkun dB / km ≤3,0 / 1,0 ≤3,0 / 1,0
    0,36 / 0,23 0,34 / 0,22 3.0 / 1.0 ---- ----
    Niðurrif 1550nm Ps / (nm * km) ---- ≤18 ---- ---- Niðurrif
    1625nm Ps / (nm * km) ---- ≤22 ---- ----
    Bandvídd 850nm MHZ.KM ---- ---- ≧ 400 ≧ 160  Bandvídd
    1300nm MHZ.KM ---- ---- ≧ 800 ≧ 500
    Núll dreifibylgjulengd nm 1300-1324 ≧ 1302,
    ---- ---- ≧ 1295,
    Núll hallaleysi nm ≤0,092 ≤0,091 ---- ---- ----
    PMD hámarks einstök trefjar ≤0,2 ≤0,2 ---- ---- ≤0.11
    PMD hönnunartengilagni Ps (nm2 * k
    ≤0,12 ≤0,08 ---- ---- ----
    Bylgjulengd trefjar niðurskorn λc nm ≧ 1180,
    ≧ 1180,
    ---- ---- ----
    nm ≤1260 ≤1260 ---- ---- ----
    MFD 1310nm um 9,2 +/- 0,4 9,2 +/- 0,4 ---- ---- ----
    1550nm um 10,4 +/- 0,8 10,4 +/- 0,8 ---- ---- ----
    ljósop (NA)
    ---- ---- 0.200 + /
    0.275 +/- 0.
    0.200 +/- 0
    Skref (meðaltal tvíáttamælinga
    dB ≤0,05 ≤0,05 ≤0,10 ≤0,10 ≤0,10
    Óreglu yfir
    length and point
    dB ≤0,05 ≤0,05 ≤0,10 ≤0,10 ≤0,10


    dB / km ≤0,05 ≤0,03 ≤0,08 ≤0,10 ≤0,08
    Einsleitni aðdráttar dB / km ≤0,01 ≤0,01
    Þvermál kjarna um 50 +/- 1,0 62,5 +/- 2,5 50 +/- 1,0
    Þvermál klæðningar um 125,0 +/- 0,1 125,0 +/- 0,1 125,0 +/- 0,1 125,0 +/- 0,1 125,0 +/- 0,1
    Klæðning utan hringlaga % ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤1.0
    Húðun þvermál um 242 +/- 7 242 +/- 7 242 +/- 7 242 +/- 7 242 +/- 7
    Húðun / chaffinch
    einbeitt villa
    um ≤12,0 ≤12,0 ≤12,0 ≤12,0 ≤12,0
    Húðun utan hringlaga % ≤6,0 ≤6,0 ≤6,0 ≤6,0 ≤6,0
    Villa við kjarna / klæðningu um ≤0,6 ≤0,6 ≤1,5 ≤1,5 ≤1,5
    Krulla (radíus) um ≤4 ≤4 ---- ---- ----



    1.Pökkunarefni: Tré tromma
    2. Pökkunarlengd: Venjuleg lengd snúrunnar skal vera 2 km. Önnur snúrulengd er einnig fáanleg
    ef viðskiptavinur krefst þess


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