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  • GYFTC8Y 6-288 Core Fig-8 Self Supporting Fiber Optic Cable
  • GYFTC8Y 6-288 Core Fig-8 Self Supporting Fiber Optic Cable

GYFTC8Y 6-288 Core Fig-8 Self Supporting Fiber Optic Cable

The structure of GYFTC8Y optical cable is to sleeve the optical fiber into the PBT loose tube, and the loose tube is filled with waterproof compound. The center of the cable core is a non-metallic reinforced core, and the loose tube (and filler rope) is twisted around the central reinforced core to form a compact and circular cable core. The cable core and the steel wire strands are integrated into a figure-8 polyethylene sheath


    Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

    Structar càball

    Dàta teignigeach
    Àireamh de chàball        4        8      12       24 48 72 144
    Modail fiber G.652D
    Dealbhadh (StrengthMember + Tube & Filler) 1 + 5 1 + 6 1 + 12
    Ball Neart Meadhan Stuth FRP
    Trast-thomhas (± 0.05) mm 1.5 2.1
    Tiùb sgaoilte Stuth PBT
    Trast-thomhas (± 0.06) mm 1.8 2.1
    Tiugh (± 0.03) mm 0.32 0.35
    An Max.Core NO./Tube 4 6 12
    Ròp lìonaidh Stuth LDPE
    Dath geal
    Trast-thomhas (± 0.06) mm 1.8 2.1
    Ciseal Blocadh Uisge (Stuth) Tuiltean tuil
    Pìosan taic Stuth Sreath stàilinn ghalbhanaichte
    Meud 0.9 × 7 1.0 × 7
    Lìn Stuth MDPE
    Meud (± 0.2) mm 2.5 × 3
    Sheath a-muigh① Stuth MDPE
    Tiugh (± 0.2) mm 1.5
    Sheath a-muigh② Stuth MDPE
    Tiugh (± 0.2) mm 1.8
    Trast-thomhas càball (W × H) (± 0.2) mm 8.5 × 16.6 9.1 × 17.0 9.7 × 18.1 13.8 × 22.2
    Wetght càball (± 10) kg / km 120 132 150 235
    Mion. radius cromadh Sin teannachadh 10.0 × Càball-φ
    Fo an teannachadh as àirde 20.0 × Càball-φ
    Raon teòthachd
    Stàladh -20 ~ + 60
    Còmhdhail & Stòradh -40 ~ + 70
    Obrachadh -40 ~ + 70

    Dath fiber

    Chan eil. 1 2 3 4 5 6
    Dath  src =
    Chan eil. 7 8 9 10 11 12

    Dath an tiùba

    Chan eil. 1 2 3 4 5 6
    Chan eil. 7 8 9 10 11 12

    Togalaichean snàithleach optigeach aon-mhodh (ITU-T Rec. G.652.D) 

    Seòrsa fiber Modh singilte
    Stuth fiber Doped silica
    Co-èifeachd teannachaidh
    @ 1310 nm
    @ 1383 nm
    @ 1550 nm
    @ 1625 nm
    £ 0.36 dB / km
    £ 0.32 dB / km
    £ 0.22 dB / km
    £ 0.30 dB / km
    Neo-làthaireachd puing £ 0.05 dB
    Tonn gearraichte càball £ 1260 nm
    Tonn-tonn sgaoilidh 1300 ~ 1324 nm
    Bruthach neoni-sgapaidh £ 0.092 ps / (
    PMDQ (Cuibhreann cuibheasach *) £ 0.2 ps / km1 / 2
    Trast-thomhas achadh modh @ 1310 nm 9.2 ± 0.4 um
    Mearachd co-chruinneachaidh Core / Clad £ 0.5 um
    Trast-thomhas a ’chòmhdaich 125.0 ± 0.7 um
    Còmhdach neo-chearcallach £ 1.0%
    Trast-thomhas còmhdach bun-sgoile 245 ± 10 um
    Ìre deuchainn dearbhaidh 100 kpsi (= 0.69 Gpa), 1%
    teothachd 0oC ~ + 70oC @ 1310 & 1550nm
    £ 0.1 dB / km


    CHAN EIL. Riatanas
    1 Neart tensile ceadaichte Teirm goirid 2700 N.
    Fad-ùine 1000 N.
    2 Resistance crush ceadaichte Teirm goirid 1000 (/ 100mm)
    Fad-ùine 300 (/ 100mm)

    Comharradh sheath 
    Tha dath a ’chomharra geal, ach ma tha feum air ath-chomharrachadh, thèid an comharrachadh dath geal a chlò-bhualadh ann an suidheachadh eadar-dhealaichte.
    Tha corra chomharradh faid ceadaichte ma tha an dà chomharra faisg air làimh soilleir.
    Both cable ends are sealed with heat shrinkable end caps to prevent water ingress.

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